What You Need to Know About Low Vision in Children

Children learn primarily through imitation which is why it’s important to keep their eyes in good condition. That said, they may develop sight-threatening conditions that may interfere with their learning and development. One problem you may have heard of is low vision. For your understanding, let your low vision specialist, Dr. Joel H. McGahen, OD, discuss this problem in detail.

Understanding Low Vision

Low vision refers to a condition wherein your children’s sense of sight is significantly impaired. The usual vision correction methods, however, are ineffective at improving their visual acuity. Although the specific cause remains unknown, certain conditions, like inborn structural irregularities, pediatric cataracts, and nystagmus, may increase your kids’ risk of developing this problem.

How Low Vision Affects Your Children’s Eyesight

While your children may retain some useful eyesight, low vision may prevent them from doing their daily tasks with ease. Since they do not usually recognize sight problems on their own, your expert eye doctor advises being observant of their habits. Having difficulties seeing notes written on the board or having poor academic performance are common manifestations of this condition.

Kids may also find it difficult playing catch or hide and seek with their friends. With their depth perception still developing, they may show signs of clumsiness as well. This condition may gradually interfere with their learning and social development, reducing their quality of life.


Low vision management is all about rehabilitation and preservation of their remaining useful eyesight. We’ll create a treatment plan to help your children learn new ways to carry out their everyday activities, helping them regain their independence. Apart from prescribing eyeglasses or contact lenses, we may recommend using magnifiers, telescopes, or prisms. Large-print texts, audio books, and computer-assisted optical aids are also gaining popularity as reliable corrective options.

For more information about low vision in children, call us at (717) 609-4443 or complete our form. We serve various PA families in Shippensburg, Greencastle, and nearby Pennsylvania areas.