What to Do if Your Kid Keeps Removing Their Eyeglasses

We’ve all been there — your child has been prescribed glasses, but they seem to have a knack for taking them off whenever you turn your back. It’s a common issue many parents face, and you’re far from alone. Eyeglasses are crucial for your child’s vision, and allowing them to remove them continuously can affect their ability to see clearly. 

What should you do if your kid keeps removing their glasses? Joel H McGahen OD, a reputable eye doctor, explores the possible reasons behind this habit and how they can be addressed. 

Reasons Behind Children Removing Their Glasses

Understanding why your child might be removing their glasses is the first step. Often, it could be due to discomfort. This may be due to the frames being too tight or the lenses having the wrong prescription. For younger kids, the sensation of wearing glasses may feel strange, and they need time to adjust.

Consult an Eye Doctor

When you’re dealing with a persistent problem like this, it’s best to consult an eye doctor. They can check if the glasses are a correct fit and ensure the lens prescription is accurate. This expert advice can make a huge difference.

Contact Lenses for Older Kids

There’s also the option of contact lenses. This might be an alternative solution for older kids ready to handle the responsibility. However, keep in mind that this solution isn’t suitable for everyone. Contact lenses require care and hygiene, which young children may struggle with.

Tips to Encourage Kids to Wear Glasses

Now, how can you encourage your kids to keep their glasses on?

Remember that patience is key. It’s normal for kids to resist wearing glasses at first. But with a proactive approach and maybe some professional aid, they’ll soon forget they’re wearing them. If you’re looking for further help, don’t hesitate to contact Joel H McGahen OD at (717) 264-4012 today! You can also reach us online and we’ll set up an appointment. For non-correctable eye problems, we also have low-vision specialists ready to meet your needs.