The Difference Between an Eye Allergy and an Eye Infection

Being able to distinguish an eye infection from an eye allergy could mean the difference between a quick fix and a longer-term treatment plan. To help you determine what’s causing your discomfort, we discuss the symptoms of eye allergies and infections in this post.

Symptoms of Eye Allergies

Eye allergies can be quite a nuisance, making your eyes itchy, red, and watery. You might also experience a burning sensation or even swollen eyelids. These symptoms often come hand in hand with other allergic reactions like sneezing, sniffling and a runny nose. Seasonal triggers of the symptoms usually arise around certain times of the year, causing allergies to flare up.

Symptoms of Eye Infections

Eye infections are caused by various factors, such as bacteria, viruses and even fungi. Improper use of contact lenses is also a leading cause of eye infections, and the symptoms include redness, pain, light sensitivity, and a yellow or greenish discharge. In severe cases, your vision might get blurry or you could experience vision loss.

Differentiating Eye Allergies and Eye Infections

Symptoms can overlap, so other factors should be taken into account, including the season, your allergies, or exposure to someone with conjunctivitis (pink eye). The best way to find out what is causing your eye discomfort is to visit an eye doctor and have them check your eyes.

Seeking Professional Help

Joel H McGahen OD can help determine what’s causing your eye discomfort. As a low vision specialist, Dr. McGahen and his associates can diagnose and treat various conditions, including allergies and infections. We’re here to provide professional help and guidance for all your eye-related concerns. Call us at (717) 264-4012 or contact us online to schedule a consultation. We serve clients in Shippensburg and Greencastle, PA, and other nearby areas.