Hypertension and How it Deteriorates Eye Health

High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, is a condition that’s often known for causing heart disease. However, it can also affect other parts of your body, including your eyes. To understand how high blood pressure affects your eyes over time, trusted low vision specialist Joel H McGahen OD explains more below:

How Hypertension Affects Your Health

Hypertension can slowly and quietly damage your body over a long time before symptoms develop. If not properly controlled, high blood pressure can lead to several complications in the body. Narrowed arteries are the result of their reduced elasticity due to the increased blood pressure, while aneurysm happens when weakened arteries become enlarged and form a bulge that’s susceptible to rupture.

Hypertension can also affect your brain and heart. If you have high blood pressure, you’re more susceptible to having a stroke. It also forces the heart to work harder to pump blood throughout your body, causing it to enlarge and increase possible cardiac arrest. The strain caused by hypertension will eventually weaken the heart and lead to additional health problems.

How It Affect Your Eyes

Hypertension leads to a lot of health conditions that affect your body, including your eyes. Many who have high blood pressure tend to develop an eye condition known as hypertensive retinopathy, which can cause fatal damage if not properly checked and treated by a trusted eye doctor.

One effective way to treat hypertensive retinopathy mainly involves controlling your high blood pressure. This means taking prescribed medication and making significant lifestyle changes, including switching to a healthier diet and exercising regularly. By doing this, you’ll be able to overcome hypertensive retinopathy and improve your vision.

Whether you need a comprehensive eye exam or new contact lenses, make sure you set up an appointment with Joel H McGahen OD today! Call us at (717) 264-4012 if you live in Pennsylvania,  including Shippensburg, Greencastle and the surrounding PA areas. You can also fill out our convenient online contact form.