Do’s and Don’ts of Eyeglasses Maintenance

Like contact lenses, eyeglasses offer a simple and effective way to correct vision problems. But if you want to get the most out of them–and ensure your greater safety and comfort –you have to properly take care of them. Your trusted local eye doctor, Joel H McGahen OD, shares a few handy do’s and don’ts of eyeglass maintenance. 

  1. DO clean the glass lenses regularly. The fact is that bacteria, debris and other particles can stick to the glass lenses, increasing the risk of eye infection unless they are cleaned regularly. This is easy enough to do. Run warm water over the lenses to get rid of any particles that can leave them scratched, then dry them with a clean, microfiber cloth. 

You can also clean the eyeglasses by spraying them with a cleaning solution recommended by your eye doctor. If you’ve run out or would rather use another method, you can apply a small drop of dish soap to your fingers, then use them to rub both sides of the lenses. Rinse them off, then gently shake off any excess water droplets. After inspecting for smudges, use a clean, lint-free towel to dry the lenses.

  1. DON’T use anything else for the eyeglasses cleanup. For instance, avoid using your shirttail, blouse or other clothing to clean the eyeglasses. Wetting your lenses with saliva instead of warm water is also a no-go. As for cleaning solutions, use only those that are safe and non-abrasive. This means avoiding household glass and surface cleaners. You don’t want to leave smears, scratches or lint on the glass lenses, so never use paper towels, tissues or toilet paper for wiping them clean.

  1. DO wash and dry your hands before the cleanup. For this, use lotion-free soap or dishwashing liquid. Have a clean, lint-free towel handy for drying your hands after.

  1. DON’T forget to store your eyeglasses properly. If you’re on the go, keep them inside a hinged hardshell case. This is better than just throwing them inside a travel bag without protection. Ideally, you’ll store your eyeglasses in a case if you’re turning in for the night. But if not, place the eyeglasses on a clean and stable surface (like the nightstand) with the lenses facing up. 

Schedule Your Eye Exam

A visit to a premier low vision specialist like Joel H McGahen OD is your first step to a lifetime of clearer and healthier eyesight. From comprehensive eye exams and advanced eye care treatments, to prescription eyeglasses and scleral contact lenses, we have got you covered. Call us today at (717) 264-4012 or fill out this contact form to schedule your appointment. We proudly meet the eye health needs of Greencastle and Shippensburg, PA.