Common Low Vision Assistive Devices

Low vision happens when your eyesight have deteriorated to the point where standard vision correction methods are insufficient to improve your visual acuity. While you may still have remaining useful vision, it may not be enough to let you perform your daily activities easily, efficiently, and independently.

Fortunately, Dr. Joel H. McGahen offers premier low vision services. Apart from prescribing high-grade contact lenses or eyeglasses, we may also recommend using certain optical aids to strengthen your visual capacity. Here are some common ones:


Magnifiers are usually made of a combination of glass lenses that help enlarge objects for your viewing ease. They are especially helpful for your near-range activities, like reading. They are available as wearable spectacles, standing, and handheld. Some even have built-in lighting features for your convenience.


Telescopes are tubular-designed low vision devices that help you see objects clearly, especially those at a distance. According to your expert eye doctor, they ideally have convex-shaped glasses, making far objects appear two up to ten times bigger. That said, they can also be used for close- and intermediate-range vision. This way, you’ll be able to read books, use your computer, and recognize people from afar easily. They may come in clip-on or handheld forms.

Non-Optical Low Vision Aids

When it comes to using non-optical low vision devices, the usual principle to keep in mind is, “Bigger, Bolder, Brighter.” They take advantage of your natural surroundings to make the most out of your retained useful vision. This may include using brighter light settings as well as taking advantage of space and contrast relationships. Large print books, reading lamps, and high contrast watches are some good examples.

Electronic Devices

Your trusted low vision specialist makes sure to keep our low vision services updated. Technological advancements have made it possible for us to offer electronic devices to help you manage low vision. Audiobooks, smartphones, and other similar gadgets let you use voice commands as well as modify word size and background lighting for your reading convenience.

Apart from low vision aids, we may also include performing eye exercises or activities to help you regain independence over your daily tasks for your better quality of life. For more information about our low vision services, call us at (717) 609-4443 or fill out our form to request an appointment. We serve Pennsylvania families in Shippensburg, Greencastle, and nearby PA areas.