4 Vision Myths Your Parents Might Have Told You

Parents know best. While true most of the times, there might have been things your mom or dad has told you that were not entirely correct, particularly when it comes to your eyes. Your low vision specialist reveals the truth behind four common vision myths your parents may have warned you about.

Misconception #1: Reading in the Dark Can Compromise Your Vision

Although reading in dim light can cause eye fatigue, there’s no evidence linking it to visual impairment. On the contrary, your eyes naturally have the ability to see in low-light circumstances. The rod photoreceptors in your retina allow you to see even when there’s minimal light.

Misconception #2: Sitting Too Close to the TV Causes Eyesight Irregularities

Studies show that sitting close to the TV or reading books up-close does not cause vision problems. That said, this might be a sign that you have myopia or nearsightedness. This is a refractive error that’s characterized by difficulties seeing from afar, which is why you prefer looking at things up-close. You may need to use prescription eyeglasses or contact lenses to help you see more clearly.

Misconception #3: Using Eyeglasses or Contact Lenses Will Just Worsen Your Vision

As a matter of fact, your eye care specialist prescribes corrective lenses to help correct your eyesight irregularities and improve your vision. This myth may have originated for the need of eyewear users to upgrade their lenses every now and then. To set the record straight, those who have refractive errors will most likely have to use glasses or contact lenses every time. But it’s not because of corrective eyewear worsening your vision. It’s actually due to a number of reasons, such as changes in your eyes as you age.

Misconception #4: You Only Need to Have an Eye Exam If You Notice Changes to Your Eyesight

The biggest misconception you might have heard from your parents (or someone else) is that you only need to visit your eye doctor when you notice something strange with your eyes or vision. Actually, it’s best that you have regular eye exams so that we can monitor any changes to your eyesight. The sooner we identify any inconsistencies, the better chances we have of maintaining your vision.

To learn more about your eyes, call us at (717) 609-4443 or fill out our contact form. We serve residents in Shippensburg, Greencastle and the surrounding Pennsylvania areas.