4 Tips to Help You Care for Your Contact Lens Properly

Contact lenses are an effective way to correct refractive errors. Improper lens use and handling, however, can lead to eye infections. Our eye doctors will provide instructions on contact lens care when we prescribe them. Here are some tips to help you care for them:

Always Wash Your Hands Before Handling Contact Lenses

Washing your hands is important to prevent germs and debris from being transferred to your lenses. We suggest using mild, non-cosmetic soaps or antibacterial soaps. Then use a lint-free towel to dry your hands.

Clean Your Lenses Regularly

Use your fingers to gently rub your contact lenses to remove surface deposits. Next, rinse the contact lenses with freshly poured, prescribed lens solution. Avoid using old solutions or other types of solvents because they may contain impurities or microorganisms.

Care for Your Lens Case

Your lens case also needs to be properly cleaned. We suggest cleaning the lens case after using it and then letting it air dry.  Avoid leaving the lens case in humid places to prevent mildew growth. Replace lens cases every three months.

Replace Them When Recommended

Contact lenses need to replaced regularly. Frequent replacement lenses are replaced monthly or quarterly. Daily disposable lenses are replaced daily. Extended wear lenses are replaced every six months. Follow the replacement schedule to prevent problems.

Our low vision specialist can help you deal with your vision problems. We provide a wide range of eye care services and we can also educate our patients about the proper way to maintain their healthy eyesight. Call us to learn more about our services. We serve Shippensburg, PA; Greencastle, PA; and nearby areas in Pennsylvania.