4 Habits That May Be Hurting Your Eyes

Poor eyesight can happen for a number of reasons. Some major risk factors are your age, family history and the environment. However, what you may not be aware of is that some of your seemingly harmless habits may also be putting your eyes at risk.

Your low vision specialist talks about four common habits that may be ruining your eyes.

1. Not Sticking to a Balanced Diet

Having a balanced diet ensures the proper functioning of your organs, including your eyes. Just like the rest of your body, your eyes need certain vitamins and minerals to keep them in good health. We recommend including leafy greens, seafood, and citrus fruits in your daily intake. They are rich in eye-friendly nutrients that can help ward off sight-threatening conditions. Make sure to drink plenty of water every day too.

2. Rubbing Your Eyes

While itchy eyes can be annoying, rubbing them can just make the problem worse. Your eye doctor explains that doing this can put unnecessary pressure on your eyes or lead to scratches on your cornea. This habit may also thin out your cornea and alter its shape. Applying a cold compress to your eyes can help relieve eye itchiness or discomfort.

3. Staring at Screens for a Long Time

Today, it’s common to see people with their eyes glued to their screens. While using digital devices has become a daily habit, it can actually do harm to your eyes. You’re less likely to blink, which can tire and dry out your eyes. Your eye care specialist recommends giving your eyes regular breaks. For every 20 minutes you’ve spent looking at a screen, let your eyes rest for 20 seconds by staring at an object that’s around 20 feet away from you.

4. Skipping Your Eye Appointments

Scheduling an appointment with your eye doctor only when you have an eye problem is a common misconception. Keep in mind that regular eye exams are not only useful for upgrading your contact lenses or for prescribing eye medications. Apart from managing existing eye conditions, your eye care specialists also check your eyes for potential vision problems during a comprehensive eye exam. This way, we can diagnose and treat them early on, maintaining your visual health.

To learn more habits that are bad for your eyes, call us at (717) 609-4443 or fill out our contact form. We serve PA residents in Shippensburg, Greencastle and the surrounding Pennsylvania communities.