4 Common Signs of Age-Related Eye Conditions

Changes in your bodily functions are expected as you age. Your visual capacity, in fact, is one of the first things that may decline over the years. Let your trusted eye doctor discuss four warning signs of common age-related vision problems.

1. Restricted Peripheral Access

You may notice a gradual loss of peripheral vision as you age, which is an early sign of glaucoma. This happens when you have uncontrolled eye fluid build-up, causing the pressure inside your eyes to rise. This may compress your optic nerve, resulting in visual infirmities or even vision loss. We may prescribe eye pressure-lowering drops or corrective surgeries to prevent the condition’s progression and save your eyesight.

2. Difficulties Seeing Objects

Your lenses’ flexibility may start to weaken over time, resulting in difficulty seeing objects, particularly those near you. You may have presbyopia, an age-related refractive error, when this happens. We may prescribe multi-powered eyeglasses or contact lenses for to better your visual acuity.

3. Cloudy Vision

Protein in your eyes may disintegrate in your adulthood, resulting in protein clumps on your lenses and eventual cataracts. These cataracts prevent light rays from entering your eyes, which may cloud your eyesight. If they are causing you significant visual restrictions, we may recommend removing them surgically.

4. Having a Hard Time Seeing Even When Wearing Corrective Eyewear

You may have a hard time recognizing persons or objects even when you are wearing corrective eyewear, a condition referred to as low vision. Your low vision specialist may suggest using magnifiers, eye exercises and other visual aids to make the most of your remaining eyesight, helping you regain independence in your daily tasks.

For more warning signs of age-related vision problems, call us at (717) 609-4443 or complete our form. We serve PA families in Shippensburg, Greencastle, and nearby Pennsylvania areas.