As with any test, it is essential to be prepared, and an eye exam is no different. While seeing your optometrist for an eye exam is mostly a routine procedure, it’s still important that you arm yourself with the right questions. After all, most people only see their eye doctor once every year or two so you don’t want to waste the opportunity to ask relevant questions.
Question #1: Are There Things I Can Do to Improve My Vision?
In a perfect world, our eyes would be as healthy as they can be. Unfortunately, this isn’t the case for many people. A lot of patients wonder if there is anything they can do a bit differently to take better care of their eyes. Your doctor may offer proactive suggestions that can help safeguard your vision over the long term, so be sure to ask.
Question #2: What Can I Do to Avoid Eye Strain When I Use My Devices?
In this day and age, it is not uncommon for people to suffer eye strain due to prolonged use of digital devices. In fact, more than 83% of Americans report using their devices for more than two hours a day. This inevitably leads to eye strain. Luckily, your eye doctor will be more than happy to suggest tips on how to find relief and can even give you a prescription that can help address symptoms.
Question #3: When Do I Need to Come Back?
This largely depends on your age as well as your medical history. Some people, especially those over age 65, should schedule annual eye exams. Before leaving the clinic, make sure to ask when you need to come back and make a note of it in your calendar.
Whether you need to be fitted for new eyeglasses or would like to come in for vision-related problems, you’ve got a friend in Joel H. McGahen OD. Give us a call at (717) 264-4012 to schedule an appointment, or fill out our contact form to speak with one of our friendly staff members today. We serve patients in Chambersburg, PA, as well as nearby areas.