Why Do You Need To See Your Eye Doctor Regularly?

You still need to schedule routine eye exams even if your vision is clear or you’re not experiencing issues with your eyes. How frequently you need to see a specialist depends on your age, family history of medical or eye disease, and if you have an existing eye condition. For instance, you may need to have your eyes checked more often if you wear contacts or eyeglasses

Read on to learn more about the importance of regular eye exams. 

Your Vision Might Have Changed

Keep in mind that only an eye doctor can tell if your vision has changed. Even if your eyesight seems fine, visiting an eye care professional is essential. Constant headaches and squinting to see are common indications you need to update your glasses or contact lenses. Even your daily activities, including driving and cooking, can become dangerous if you have compromised vision. 

Detect and Treat Eye Problems Early

Regular eye exams go a long way in the early detection and treatment of several vision-threatening conditions. Glaucoma is a leading cause of blindness worldwide that is often detected during routine eye doctor visits. This eye condition doesn’t usually show signs until it is in its later stages, and when not diagnosed early, it can cause permanent vision loss. Macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy and cataracts are other eye conditions that your doctor can detect during a comprehensive eye examination. 

Keep Track of Your Eye Health

Your vision can affect your overall quality of life. Reduced vision can make your daily life difficult and put you at risk of injuries. Monitoring vision and eye health are even more challenging in children. They might not be aware that there’s something wrong with their eyes. The eye screenings performed in schools are different from what eye doctors do. Allowing your children to see an eye doctor regularly can determine if they need to start wearing glasses. 

You don’t need to wait for your vision to change before talking to your optometrist. At Joel H. McGahen OD, we’re here to help with your family’s eye care needs. Call us at (717) 264-4012 or fill out our contact form to schedule an appointment. We assist patients in Chambersburg, PA, and nearby communities.