What You Should Know About Keratoconus

Most eye conditions will require early detection and mitigation from a trusted optometrist to prevent, or at least slow down, their progress. Keratoconus, an eye disease that can occur in approximately one in 2,000 individuals, is not an exception. It develops when the corneas, or the clear outer layer at the front of the eyes, start thinning. Eventually, the normally healthy corneas (which are round) bulge into an irregular cone shape that makes it difficult for the eyes to focus light properly. 

What Causes Keratoconus?

Even with decades of study, keratoconus is still poorly understood. No definitive cause of this eye condition has been brought to light, but it is believed that the predisposition to develop the disease is present at birth. It may also have something to do with the loss of collagen in the cornea, which is a common symptom in patients with keratoconus.

How is Keratoconus Diagnosed and Treated?

The symptoms of keratoconus include poor night vision, increased sensitivity to light, sudden worsening or clouding of vision, and eye irritation or headaches associated with eye pain. But these are also common symptoms of other eye conditions. To accurately determine whether the person has developed keratoconus, they’ll need to visit a trusted optometrist, like Joel H McGahen OD, who will perform a comprehensive eye exam, along with a few special tests. In its early stages, keratoconus can be mitigated with eyeglasses or scleral contact lenses. But if the condition has progressed, it will require a more advanced and extensive treatment.

Who is At Risk of Keratoconus?

This eye condition starts at puberty and can progress into the mid-30s. It is often linked to genetics. Studies reveal that one in every 10 people diagnosed with keratoconus has a close family member also suffering from this disease. Those with chronic eye inflammation due to allergies or constant exposure to irritants, and those who have a bad habit of aggressively rubbing their eyes, may also increase their risk of developing keratoconus. 

Schedule Your Eye Exam

Joel H McGahen OD is the premier eye doctor you can trust for high-quality eye care solutions. Visit us immediately for a comprehensive exam so we can accurately diagnose your eye condition and get started on its treatment. Call us today at (717) 264-4012 or fill out this contact form to schedule your appointment. We proudly meet the eye care needs of Chambersburg, PA, and the surrounding communities.