Understanding Why Aging Eyes Need More Light

As you age, you might have noticed a need for more light while reading, working, or performing daily tasks. This is completely normal; it’s a natural process related to aging. But why does this happen? Joel H McGahen OD, a locally trusted eye doctor, explores more in this blog post.

The Aging Eye

Our bodies undergo numerous changes as we age, and our eyes are no exception. They undergo natural aging changes, just like our skin or hair. Over time, the lens inside the eye thickens and becomes less transparent, causing a decline in light reaching the back of the eye. Certain conditions like macular degeneration or cataracts, common in older adults, can further limit the amount of light passing through the eye.

The Need for More Light

So, why does this mean we need more light? It’s all about how our eyes process visual information. With less light reaching the back of the eye, seeing and differentiating objects becomes more challenging, especially in poorly lit conditions.

Think about the times you’ve had to squint or strain to read small print in a dimly lit restaurant or struggled to find keys in a dark room. It’s also not just about needing brighter light bulbs or more lamps, but an acknowledgment of our eyes’ evolving needs. An optometrist can guide you on how to adapt to these changes.

What Can Be Done to Protect Aging Eyes?

Although nothing can be done to stop the aging of our eyes, there are some steps to protect them.

The Importance of Regular Eye Exams

A regular eye checkup is the key to maintaining overall eye health, especially as we age. A visit to an optometrist provides the opportunity for them to detect early signs of age-related eye conditions, allowing for timely treatment and prevention of further vision loss.

Set an Appointment Today

If you’re in Chambersburg, PA, and looking to update your prescription eyeglasses or learn about the state of your overall eye health, contact Joel H McGahen OD at (717) 264-4012 today. You can also visit our contact page to schedule an appointment. Your eyes deserve the best care; we’re here to provide it.