Things to Expect During a Comprehensive Eye Exam

One of the most effective ways to safeguard your vision is to have comprehensive eye exams regularly. Equipped with the requisite knowledge and skills, Dr. Joel H. McGahen, OD, performs thorough eye assessments using cutting-edge technologies. Let our trusted Chambersburg optometrist provide you a summary of what happens during one.

Extensive History Taking

Establishing your family and personal histories is an important part of your eye evaluation, especially if you are a new patient. This can serve as our guide for determining your risk of developing certain vision problems. It can also help us create an effective management plan for your benefit. We may ask about any medical or vision conditions, medications, or even injuries that may have affected your current eye health.

Conducting Various Tests and Procedures

Our expert eye doctor will prepare a series of tests to evaluate your eye structures and functions. One of our standard procedures is a visual acuity test. This measures your eyes’ overall sharpness. We may ask you to cover one eye while you read numbers or letters off the Snellen chart. We may then do the same to the other eye.

We may also use a retinoscope to direct light into your pupils and observe its reflexes. This helps us measure your eyes’ refractive state using the orientation and movement of the reflection. During a refraction exam, we may ask you to try different lenses from a phoropter for a more accurate measurement of your eyes’ prescription.

Recommending an Eye Care Plan

We will then create a treatment plan to address your eye care needs based on our findings. If we detect any refractive errors, we may suggest using prescription eyewear to improve your vision. We have a large selection of eyeglasses and contact lenses available in different colors and styles to match your lifestyle and personality.

We will also remind you when to return for your next checkup. We want to highlight that continuity of care is essential to maintaining your visual health. Eye exams are generally advised to be done at least once every two years. This frequency, however, may vary depending on your personal circumstances.

If you have any further questions about eye exams, call us at (717) 609-4443. You may also complete our form to schedule a visit. We look forward to helping families in Chambersburg and other nearby PA areas achieve better eyesight.