The Process of Crafting Prescription Lenses

People diagnosed with refractive errors wear either eyeglasses or contact lenses to see clearly and correct vision issues. Creating one based on your requirements is a process that involves getting a prescription from an eye doctor and designing the lenses. Here’s a detailed look at how prescription lenses are crafted.

Prescription and Measurement

The process begins with an eye examination. During this appointment, your eye doctor will determine your specific refractive error, which includes conditions like myopia (nearsightedness), hyperopia (farsightedness) and astigmatism. The prescription, expressed in diopters, specifies the lens power needed to correct your vision.

Lens Material Selection

Based on your prescription and lifestyle needs, your eye doctor will recommend suitable lens materials. Common options include glass, plastic and high-index materials. Glass lenses are less common due to their weight and potential for breakage, while plastic and high-index lenses are lighter and thinner.

Lens Design

A lens design is created based on your prescription and the type of lens you need, such as single-vision, bifocal, trifocal or progressive lenses. The design takes into account factors like the lens curvature, thickness and the placement of vision correction.

Lens Manufacturing

Manufacturing lenses for eyeglasses involves several steps, including:

Quality Control

Quality control is a crucial step to ensure the finished lens meets your prescription accurately. Sophisticated equipment and manual inspections are used to verify the lens’s power, clarity and other optical properties.

Frame Assembly

The lenses are then fitted into your chosen eyeglass frames. This step requires precision to ensure the lenses are properly centered and secured.


Before you receive your eyeglasses, the final product is verified one more time to ensure the prescription is correct and the lenses are free from any defects.

Dispensing and Fitting

When you pick up your glasses, a trained optician will ensure they fit properly and make any necessary adjustments. For contact lenses, your eye care professional will teach you how to insert and remove them.

The process of making prescription lenses is a meticulous one, with multiple stages to ensure your vision correction needs are met. From precise measurements and lens design to manufacturing, quality control and fitting, every step is crucial in producing lenses that provide you with clear, accurate and comfortable vision. So, the next time you put on your glasses or insert your contact lenses, you’ll have a better appreciation for the craftsmanship that goes into creating these essential vision aids.

Importance of Regular Eye Examinations

Creating your prescription lenses is a detailed process, but maintaining their accuracy requires regular eye examinations, too. It’s recommended that you check your vision annually or as frequently as advised by a trusted eye care center. The right pair of glasses or contacts isn’t just about style. It’s about enhancing your vision and, ultimately, your quality of life.

If it’s time for your next eye exam, consider Dr. Joel McGahen’s practice in Chambersburg, Shippensburg and Greencastle, PA. You can reach us at (717) 264-4012 or through our online contact form.