The 3 Biggest Myths Surrounding Age-related Degeneration

Having your optometrist diagnose you with age-related macular degeneration (AMD) can be nerve-wracking, especially if you’ve read some common myths and misconceptions surrounding the condition online. There is a lot of information about AMD online and, unfortunately, not all of it is accurate. To combat the misinformation during AMD Awareness Month, your trusted eye doctor debunks three common myths in today’s post.

Myth #1: AMD Always Leads to Blindness

While AMD may contribute to vision loss, it does not always lead to blindness. AMD affects the macula, the most central part of the retina which is responsible for focused vision. Even if you develop an advanced form of AMD, your peripheral vision will still remain functional.

Myth #2: Reading in Dim Light Will Cause You To Develop AMD

Since we were kids, we’ve been told that reading in dim light will damage our eyes. This isn’t true. Reading in dim light is not really dangerous and won’t lead to AMD but it could cause strain on your focusing system making reading less enjoyable, which is why your eye doctor will likely suggest that you turn on the lights when reading. 

Myth #3: AMD Is Common in Young People

It is actually quite rare to see AMD in people under the age of 40 and risk has been shown to increase steadily as you age, however, there are symptoms common in young people that may mimic AMD. A young adult may experience similar symptoms if she has inherited one of the rare forms of juvenile macular degeneration.

Whether you want to get fitted for new eyeglasses or would like to be treated for low vision problems, trust in Joel H. McGahen OD for all your eye care needs. To schedule a consultation, please give us a call at (717) 264-4012 or fill out our contact form and one of our friendly team members will get back to you as soon as possible. We serve patients in Chambersburg, PA, as well as its nearby areas.