Kids and Contact Lenses: Frequently Asked Questions

If your child has been wearing eyeglasses for some years now, there will probably come a time when they will want to try contact lenses. To help you prepare your child for this transition, here are answers to some frequently asked questions regarding kids’ contact lenses.

What’s an Appropriate Age for Wearing Contacts?

Contact lenses are safe for any age. However, a child’s maturity and independence will be a factor in determining whether they’re ready to wear contacts or not. Keep in mind that contact lenses are basically a medical device, so they should be handled and used correctly. Ensure that your child is old enough and ready for the responsibilities that come with wearing contact lenses. For instance, contacts should be handled, cleaned, disinfected and stored properly. Your child should be able to manage these things on their own or with minimal help from you.

What Type of Disposable Contact Lenses Are Best for Kids?

Disposable contacts can either be daily disposables or planned replacement lenses. Daily disposables, as the name implies, need to be thrown away and replaced every day. Meanwhile, planned replacement lenses can be used only within a prescribed period, which usually ranges from two weeks to 30 days.

To help you determine the best option for your child, you should consult with an eye doctor. They can tell you the risks or drawbacks to each type of disposable lens, in relation to your child’s needs.

Are There Risks of Complications From Wearing Contacts?

Contact lenses are generally safe. However, depending on how your child uses and cares for these lenses, they may be exposed to eye contaminations or infections. That said, it’s critical that your child understands the importance of good hygiene when handling their contact lenses. For example, make sure that they wash their hands and dry them thoroughly before handling their contacts. They should also observe the proper cleaning techniques. This means no rubbing of the lenses or using drinking water or saliva for cleaning the lenses. Only use the contact lens cleaning solution recommended by their optician.

If you’re looking for an optometrist, Joel McGahen, OD can ensure that all your eye care needs are met. We are a leading provider of optical services and products, so you can rest assured that you’re in good hands. Call us at (717) 264-4012 or fill out our contact form to schedule a consultation. We serve clients in Chambersburg, PA.