Is Poor Eyesight Genetic?

Take a look at photos of your parents when they were younger. Are they wearing eyeglasses? What about your grandparents? If you’re wondering where your bad eyesight is from and you know your parents and their parents all have worn glasses even at a young age, you might be inclined to think that your condition is genetic. But is it really? 

The science behind the genetics of poor eyesight is still inconclusive, but there have been some promising clues that could help shed some light on this topic. Let our specialists at Joel H McGahen OD explain a little bit of the genetic reasons why you may have poor vision.

Genetic Eye Disease

Without a doubt, your eye doctor can tell you that there are certain eye diseases that are inherited. In fact, according to a study by the Cleveland Clinic, doctors have found genetic markers for two of the most common eye diseases in adults: age-related macular degeneration and glaucoma. Either one of these two conditions can lead to poor vision or even permanent loss of vision. In their early stages, however, patients suffering from these conditions may require the use of vision correction devices.

Near and Farsightedness

So far, the data about what causes myopia (nearsightedness) and hyperopia (farsightedness) is generally divided into two main categories: genetics and environmental factors. This means that while your overall health and habits can determine how good or bad your eyesight is, there is a chance that your vision will be dictated by your genes. The scientific journal Asian Scientist even reports that people with a genetic predisposition to refractive eye conditions are ten times more likely to develop such conditions later in life.

There Is Hope

While genetics certainly plays a role, the importance of staying healthy cannot be underestimated. Talk to your optometrist about good eye habits and follow a balanced diet combined with regular exercise to lessen the effects of these known eye conditions.

At Joel H McGahen OD, we are your leading provider of eye care and vision correction services. Give us a call at (717) 264-4012 or fill out our contact form to schedule a consultation today. We serve patients in Chambersburg and other nearby areas in PA.