Eye Exams 101: Earliest Age, Frequency, and Importance

Intact vision is an important component of your overall well-being. It also helps you accomplish your daily tasks efficiently. This is why Dr. Joel H. McGahen, OD, recommends having routine eye exams to maintain your visual health. Let your trusted eye doctor discuss our recommended eye exam schedule.

How Often Should You Get an Eye Exam?

The frequency of your eye exams depends on various factors, like your current eye health, family history, and other associated risks. That said, the American Optometric Association created a recommended eye exam schedule to serve as a guide. We generally suggest that children have their baseline eye assessment as early as six months of age.

Kids should undergo a comprehensive eye exam upon reaching three years old and another one before they enter first grade. If we weren’t able to find any vision problems, we advise having their eyes checked at least once every two years until they reach 18 years of age. Otherwise, it’s best to have annual vision tests or as often as your reliable optometrist prescribes. Adults should also have eye assessments every two years. Upon reaching 61 years old, however, they should undergo one yearly.

Why Are Regular Eye Exams Important?

By having eye exams routinely, we can quickly and easily identify ocular changes. This can also help in the early detection of potential sight-threatening conditions, letting us provide immediate management. The sooner we treat underlying vision problems, the better chances we have of preventing their progression and preserving your eyesight.

Regular eye exams are great opportunities to check if your eyeglasses or contact lenses need to be upgraded too. We have a large selection of specs and lenses available in different styles, designs, and colors. Call us today at (717) 609-4443 or complete our form to schedule an appointment. We serve Chambersburg and nearby PA areas.