Do I Need A Contact Lens Follow-up Appointment?

Are you considering contact lenses, or have you just started using them? They offer a lot of freedom. But is a follow-up appointment necessary after the initial fitting? Checking your lenses for a proper fit and comfort is crucial for eye health. A quick check-up with your optometrist can identify and deal with potential issues.

In this post, we’ll delve into the importance of follow-up appointments, whether you’re a regular contact user or a newbie.

Why Are Contact Lens Follow-up Appointments Necessary?

Proper Fit

The first reason is so your eye doctor can ensure the contacts fit properly. When you initially get your lenses, your eye care professional assesses the fit. But sometimes adjustments are needed after you’ve worn the lenses for a period. The follow-up appointment allows the optometrist to check that the lenses are not causing discomfort or harm to your eyes.

Vision Accuracy

Adjustments may be needed to ensure the prescription is entirely correct. The initial prescription is typically based on a detailed eye examination, but real-world use can sometimes reveal that minor adjustments might be needed.

Eye Health

It is crucial to have your eyes checked regularly to ensure their continued health. Extended use of contact lenses can sometimes cause irritation, dry Eye Syndrome, infections, or even corneal ulcers. Routine follow-up appointments allow these potential issues to be spotted early and treated successfully.

When Should You Schedule the Follow-up Appointment?

The follow-up appointment is typically scheduled 1-2 weeks after receiving your lenses. However, this can vary depending on the practitioner and the type of lenses you use. After that, regular check-ups at intervals suggested by your optometrist are advised.

Take Care of Your Vision With Dr. Joel McGahen

Remember, those follow-up appointments are there to ensure comfort and eye health. Regularly checking your eyes means problems can be sorted before they become serious. If you’re in Chambersburg, PA, and need a contact lens or eyeglasses, call Dr. Joel McGahen at (717) 264-4012 or visit our contact page.