Debunking 3 Myths About the LASIK Procedure

LASIK is a long-lasting and reliable treatment for refractive errors. However, false information is circulating about LASIK, causing some patients who would benefit from the procedure to hold back. DRead on as Dr. Joel H. McGahen, OD, your esteemed optometrist, debunks these LASIK myths:

LASIK Is Unsafe

The LASIK procedure is one of the most reliable and safest treatments for visual health because of constant advances in laser technology. Of course, the skill of your eye doctor is an important factor, as well. You’ll need to research the eyecare center and see if they have a history of performing the procedure sucessfully.


You won’t feel anything when you undergo the LASIK procedure because the eye doctor will use anesthetic drops to desensitize your eye. You’ll only feel a bit of pressure or some vibrations as the laser rearranges the tissues underneath the cornea. Once the anesthesia wears off, you’ll only experience a tingling sensation which will go away in a few hours.

LASIK Is a Panacea

LASIK was developed to correct refractive errors and to reduce the dependence of patients on their eyeglasses or contact lenses. However, since the eye changes over time, having this procedure is not a guarantee that you will never have to wear your eyeglasses or contact lenses again.

We provide a wide range of eye care services including prescription eyeglasses and contact lenses. We can also provide you with more information regarding LASIK and help you find out if you are a good match for the procedure. Call us to learn more about our services. We help patients in Chambersburg and nearby areas in PA.