Common Causes of Photophobia

Is your vision hampered by the brightness of lights or the sun? This could mean you have photophobia, which is a condition that causes sensitivity to light and eye discomfort. 

Photophobia can develop due to various reasons. In this post, Joel H. McGahen OD discusses the leading causes of photophobia.

Tension Headache

Tension headaches occur when your neck, scalp and jaw muscles undergo constant stress. This can feel like a pressing pain in various areas of the head and may include other symptoms, such as sensitivity to noise and light. You can relieve tension headaches through rest, sleep and medication, if necessary.

Eye Strain

Eye strain happens because of continuous visual focus. The overstimulation of the brain and eyes causes eye strain and light sensitivity. 

Discomfort in the eyes is the first sign of eye strain. Other symptoms include eye ache and fatigue. Taking frequent breaks from computer screens, knitting or reading activities for 20-30 seconds will help relax your eyes.


Pulsing or throbbing pain on one side of the head is a common sign of migraine. Other symptoms include nausea, vomiting and photophobia. Staying hydrated, having a good night’s sleep, and taking aspirin or acetaminophen can help reduce the intensity of migraines. 


Inflamed sinuses will cause pain due to pressure and sinus headaches. The ensuing nasal congestion and facial pain can also cause photophobia. Drinking more water helps hydrate your body and reduce nasal congestion. Furthermore, you can use medication and nasal rinses to reduce inflammation and kill bacteria.

Joel H. McGahen OD is a trusted eye doctor who has served the local community for years. Whether you need a comprehensive eye examination or other eye treatments, you can count on our state-of-the-art facilities and expert staff to assist you with your needs. Call us at (717) 264-4012 to schedule a consultation.