4 Reliable Spring Eye Care Tips

The spring’s blooming flowers and warm weather can give you plenty of incentive to have picnics at the park or other outdoor activities. Common springtime eye conditions, however, may hinder you from enjoying these plans. Let your reputable eye specialist, Dr. Joel H. McGahen, OD, share four tips to keep your eyes protected this season.

1. Remember to Wear Your Sunglasses When Going Outside

Spring brings stronger ultraviolet (UV) solar radiation. This may increase your risk of developing dry eyes, eye sunburn, and other UV-induced vision problems. We suggest investing in high-quality sunglasses that provide 100% protection from UVA and UVB rays. We can also upgrade your eyeglasses to photochromic ones. Lastly, you might want to use artificial tear drops to keep your eyes moisturized.

2. Limit the Time You Stay Outdoors

As much as blooming flowers are beautiful to look at, the increased pollen count at this time of the year may cause springtime eye allergies. Your eyes may become red, itchy, and watery when this happens. Avoiding allergens by staying indoors is a simple yet effective remedy to this condition.

Your expert eye doctor also suggests checking the pollen reports in your area and wearing a mask before heading outside. If symptoms persist, we may prescribe decongestants, antihistamine, and corticosteroids.

3. Wash Your Hands Frequently

Washing your hands frequently can prevent hand-eye transmission of allergens. You can also reduce your hypersensitivity reflexes by keeping your surroundings clean and using an air purifier in your home.

4. Make Sure to Visit Your Eye Doctor

A thorough eye assessment by your trusted optometrist is an essential component of your spring preventive eye care. This is also a good time to check for signs of eye problems and render immediate treatment. This is an effective way to keep your visual health stable throughout the year.

For more reliable spring eye care tips, call us at (717) 609-4443 or complete our contact form. We offer our premier eye care services to families in Chambersburg, PA, and nearby areas.